Nutrimeal Active Meal Replacement Shake, сывороточный шоколад (14 пакетиков на одну порцию), Nutrimeal Active Meal Replacement Shake, сывороточный шоколад (14 порций), 2 x Nutrimeal Active Meal Replacement Shake, сывороточная ваниль (14 порций), увлажняющий напиток (28 порций) пачки стикеров), брошюра встряхивания (1), вкладыш программы (QR-коды к программе передач + журнал + руководство по стилю жизни) (1)
Разнообразие наборов для трансформации USANA
Артикул: ITEM-440
Без НДС |
USANA Active Nutrition is a comprehensive line of products to support your life in motion. Combined with daily movement, a whole foods diet, mindfulness, and self-acceptance, you can shape lifelong habits and change your life for the better.
The Active Nutrition Transform Kit includes two empowering Active Nutrition products and downloadable resources to inspire you during your program—and beyond.
- Nutrimeal Active Meal Replacement Shake (14 single-serve pouches, chocolate; three 14-serving gussets, one chocolate and two vanilla): Fuel your body with a balanced ratio of macronutrients, with 20 g of protein and less sugar than Nutrimeal.
- Hydration Drink (28 single-serve stick packs): Rehydrate after a workout by mixing a stick pack in water to quench your thirst with its refreshing watermelon flavour.
- Mix It Up Shake Recipes Pamphlet: Try new recipes and treat your tastebuds with a list of USANA-approved, whole-food ingredients to add to your next shake.
- USANA’s Guide to a Healthy & Happy Lifestyle: Find your personal path to optimal wellness and discover the incredible benefits of nutrition science and how it relates to gut health.
- Program Guide: Make your healthy goals a reality with a benefit-focused breakdown of the products and resources included in your Transform Kit.